Quarantined Artist Postcard Exchange

June 1, 2021

A bittersweet end to our #quarantinedartistexchange - thank you @lisa.rawlinson for building community and keeping people connected through unprecedented isolation. Last card goes to @saravanderbeek with well wishes and optimism for the future xoxo. This

March 23, 2021

Sent out a prom pose to @chuckandgeorge - #quarantinedartistexchange - nice to have a gay couple in the mix for the exchange! Particularly one with ties to art school.

February 20, 2021

Added three more postcards to this project. February - “God Save the Queen” - watercolor and parchment paper . January: Guadalupe. December: “Papel PiCovid”.

November 22, 2020

For November, I sent out my interpretation of the Strength tarot card, based off of the Rider Waite original. As someone interested in dismantling gender constructs, I love this card. In the Rider Waite deck, strength is depicted as a woman who has tamed a lion with her nurturing will, rather that the brute male physicality we tend to associate with strength in modern society. In my card, the picture is populated by Jonothan Borofsky’s Ballerina Clown, a mix of high and low art images and male and female, and a Jeff Koons inspired balloon animal, art being the beast my surrogate is attempting to tame (create?). A target serves as a sunset and a circus tent is the mountain off in the distance. Hope you like it <3.

October 21, 2020

Added two more entries to the Quarantined Artist Postcard Exchange. Below are October submission, “Coming Soon”, sent out last week to @seanslatteryart in Las Vegas, Baby! as well as September’s “Modest Nude”, sent to @scottwinterrow - www.artsy.net/artist/scott-winterrowd. Check them out!

July 12, 2020
My college friend and fellow Good Bad Art Collective artist, Lisa Rawlinson http://www.lisarawlinsonart.com/ has organized a postcard exchange among artists during this quarantine. I opted for one postcard swap a month. Here are my submissions so far. I will continue to post as the summer goes on, so please check back.

Let me know what you think, and please follow the hashtag on Instagram, #QuarantinedArtistExchange.